Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society

MVAS promotes amateur astronomy
with stargazing and educational programs
in the Mohawk Valley and Central New York since 1989.

Meet with us
Our Next Meeting

Apr 9, 7:30 pm

Kirkland Senior Center

Program: "Oh, Say Can You See?"

A discussion of observing site selection considerations and geographic and atmospheric conditions that can affect how well we can observe the sky.

Presented by Gordon Fesenger, MVAS

Click for full meeting schedule and directions

Stargaze with us

Mar 29, 7:30-11:00pm

Barton-Brown Observatory.


clouds and rain

Click for full observing schedule and directions


Begins 06:29 am, Ends 07:47 pm


Rises 04:36 am, Sets 01:30 pm

Note: Links to other sites (external links) are marked with: External link