Local Sky Events


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  • Moon: Third Quarter April 2nd; New on the 8th, First quarter 15th and Full on the 23th.
  • Total Eclipse of the Sun, April 8, 2024. All the continental USA will see at least a partial eclipse during which everyone needs to wear solar glasses for eye protection to view the eclipse. Those in the zone of totality may remove the solar filters ONLY during totality when the Moon totally covers the Sun...... NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN!!!
  • Jupiter, at magnitude -2.0, may be seen in the early evening sky but drawing closer to the western horizon.
  • Mars and Saturn may be seen about a half hour before sunrise in the east-southeast. The two planets will be less than half a degree apart. Binoculars will be helpful.


See our Links page - Sky Watching - for other events.

See Sky and Telescope Magazine (The Sky at a Glance) for more events.