Links to Astronomy-Related Sites
- Amazon- books on line
- Barnes and Noble
- Science News Magazines
Astronomy Books
- RegiStax - free image processing software
- Virtual Astronomy Postcards
Cards - Virtual Astronomy Cards
- The Children's Museum of Utica NY - Welcomes you to our museum for kids!
- The best of NASA material for elementary school children - The Space Place
- General information from NASA for Children and Beginners - SpaceKids
- Seeing in the Dark Activities for children/teachers/parents and adults
- Space & Astronomy for Kids + hundreds of links for kids -
- Solar System and the universe beyond - StarChild
- For older children (14 and up) - Imagine the Universe
- Exploratorium - San Francisco science museum
- Syracuse Museum of Science and Technology (MOST)
- SEDS: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- Astronomy for Kids
Children and Beginners
- Arizona State University - Academic Programs - Main Campus - Liberal Arts - Physics and Astronomy
- Colgate University - Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dr. Balonek & Dr. Aveni
- Hamilton College - Department of Physics
- Michigan Technological University - Department of Physics
- University of Chicago - Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
College and University Astronomy Departments
- NASA Near Earth Object Program
- The International Meteor Organization homepage
- Finding comets on SOHO images
Comets & Meteors
- Meade Instruments - Irvine, CA new equipment
- Celestron International - Torrance, CA new equipment
- Astromart - ads placed to buy and sell used equipment
- Cloudy Nights - Discussions and ads for used equipment
- Anacortes - new equipment
- Telescope Review
- Telescope Guide
Equipment & Accessories - New and Used
- Astronomy - more than you may want to know
- Black Hole Encyclopedia - latest news on black holes
- Astronomy Starlust - stargazing guides, articles, telescopes & more (+Ads)
- World Atlas - latitude and longitude explained
- TouchMap of latitude and longitude
- Official Time from the US government
- Magnetic Declination from NOAA
- Sunrise/set, Moonrise/set times
- U.S. Naval Observatory Dates & times of Sun, Moon, eclipses, astro-events
Geographic Positions/Time
- History of Astronomy
- Homepage
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Picture Album
- Hubble and the European Space Agency
Hubble Space Telescope
- Astronomy
- Nature
- Sky and Telescope
- StarDate Magazinea non-profit publication of McDonald Observatory
- Science
- Science News
- Scientific American
- Chuck and Carol Higgins' Web Page
Member Web Pages
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Tom Balonek's Astronomy Links - Professor of Astronomy, Colgate University
- Tom Balonek's Arecibo Night Sky Video
- SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence sites
- David Levy's Radio Show: Starizona
- Dark Sky Initiative
- For Fun - Name a star for someone
- Sky & Telescope latest news breaks
- Aurora, Sun, Meteors, Spaceweather News
- "What's New" Press Releases from NASA's Office of Space Science
- SpaceRef - Space news
- Space News - lists articles published daily on the internet
- Messier Objects
- Washington Double Star Catalog (WDS) - a catalog of Struve double stars
- The Electronic Sky
- Moon Maps - click on Part I or Part II for lunar regional maps
Objects to Observe
- International Occultation Timing Organization's (IOTA)
- Astronomical League - a confederation of amateur astronomers and astronomy organizations
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific - Northern California professional and amateur astronomer organization
- Albany Area Amateur Astronomers associated with Dudley Observatory
- Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
- DarkSky International
- Rochester Astronomical Society - section of the Rochester Academy of Science, Rochester, NY
- Rockland Astronomy Club - Suffern, NY
- Syracuse Astronomical Society- Syracuse, NY
- Gloucester Area Astronomy Club- Gloucester, MA
- Kopernik Astronomical Society- Vestal, NY
- Stellafane Homepage- Springfield Telescope Makers, Stellafane, Vt.
- American Association of Amateur Astronomers
- Northeast Astronomical Forum (NEAF) - Rockland Community College, Suffern, NY
Organizations, Societies and Events:
- 3-D Ho Tung Visualization Laboratory,Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
- Portable Planetarium, Oneida BOCES, Utica, NY
- Schenectady Museum and Suits-Bueche PlanetariumSchenectady, NY
- Henry Hudson PlanetariumAlbany, NY
- Roberson Museum and Science Center Planetarium, Binghamton, NY
- Rose Center& Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History
- Kopernik Observatory and Science Center, Vestal, NY
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory,Green Bank, West Virginia
Planetariums & Observatories
- Galileo Mission at Jupiter
- Mars Exploration Rovers Mission Home Page
- Mars Express Photos
- Mars Team On Line Photo Gallery
- Cassini Mission to Saturn
- The Nine Planets - current findings, pictures and other data
- Venus
- Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Extrasolar Planets: Extrasolar Planet Encyclopedia
- Extrasolar Planets: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon
- Near Eros Photos
- Astronomical pronunciation guide from the Astronomical League
Pronunciation Guide
- Heavens Above - track artificial satellites in your sky: time, altitude, direction, magnitude
- Celes Trak - orbital elements for satellites
- Novice: Monthly Sky Maps for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Free Magnitude 7.0 Star Maps
- Advanced: NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) - excels for galaxies, professionals
- Advanced: SIMBAD (Set of Identification, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data)
Sky Maps
- Sky & Telescope's The Sky at a Glance
- NASA's Eclipse Website
- What to look for in the current sky Choose the TONIGHT tab
- Monthly viewing information - the Moon, Sun, Planets, etc. Que Tal
Sky Watching
- Google Sky - a simulation
- NASA Television broadcasts
- World Wide Telescope - simulated explorations of the universe
- Stellarium free planetarium software
Software and Armchair Astronomy
- - latest spaceflight news
- The Planetary Society - space exploration
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Space Flight
- Space Weather - Solar wind velocity, density, sunspot numbers, flares, CME, aurora warnings
- Big Bear Solar Observatory Images
- Latest images of the Sun in Hydrogen alpha
- Auroral Activity Map - NOAA POES satellite image
- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Satellite - 24 hour surveillance of the Sun, UV images
- GONG - Global Oscillation Network Group - a network of six world wide solar observatories
- Stanford University Solar Center - lots of neat stuff here, even folklore
- Weather conditions at the MVAS BBO Observatory
- Real time Weather Satellite images and movies.
- Space Weather in Earth's neighborhood