Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month (except July) at 7:30 PM at the Kirkland Senior Center, 2 Mill St., Clark Mills, NY (directions and map) unless otherwise noted. The July Star-B-Que is held on a Sunday evening. All meetings are open to the public. Guests are encouraged to attend. Refreshments are provided by MVAS members.
Scheduled Meetings and Programs for 2025
Jan 8 | Via Zoom ONLY due to the weather.. 7:30 pm
Program: "2024: The Year in Review - Astronomy/Weather" Presented by David Bishop, Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Science and Perry Pezzolanella, MVAS |
Feb 12 | via Zoom only. 7:30 pm
Program: "Astrophysics with the Naked Eye: How Meteor Showers Were Discovered" Presented by Steven Fentress, former director of the Strasenburgh Planetarium in Rochester, NY |
Mar 12 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "E.E. Barnard and His Dark Nebula" In memory of MVAS member Al Mlinar Presented by Larry McHenry, amateur astronomer, Pittsburgh, PA |
Apr 9 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "Oh, Say Can You See?" A discussion of observing site selection considerations and geographic and atmospheric conditions that can affect how well we can observe the sky. Presented by Gordon Fesenger, MVAS |
May 14 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "The Hubble Space Telescope - 35 years of Science!" When Hubble launched in 1990, astronomers had great expectations for what this telescope would teach us about the Universe. From examining nearby star forming regions to probing the deepest depths of the early universe, the Hubble Space Telescope has transformed our understanding of the cosmos. As we celebrate Hubble’s 35th anniversary in space, we’ll take a look back at some of its historic photos, explore some recent discoveries, and look towards the future to see what Hubble might reveal to us next. Presented by Valerie Rapson, PhD, State University of New York at Oneonta |
Jun 11 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "Pluto: The Heart of the Solar System" Presented by Perry Pezzolanella, MVAS |
Jul 20 | Waterville Library. 7:30 pm
Program: "Star-B-Que" Presented by MVAS. For club members and their guests. |
Aug 13 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "" Presented by |
Sep 10 | Ho Tung Visualization Lab; Colgate University, Hamilton, NY. 7:30 pm
Program: "TBA" Presented by Joe Eakin, Technical Director |
Oct 8 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "TBA" Presented by Carol Higgins, NASA Solar System Ambassador, MVAS |
Nov 12 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "TBA" Presented by Kevin France, PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Dec 10 | Kirkland Senior Center. 7:30 pm
Program: "Members' Show 'n Tell" Presented by MVAS |