Local Sky Events
Check back often for updates
- Moon is first quarter Jan 6, full Moon Jan 13, third quarter Jan 21 and new on Jan 29th.
- Jan 3 the Quadrantid Meteor shower peaks.
- The Moon occults Mars Jan 13 beginning at 9 pm EST in the east southeast and reappears from behind the moon at 10:16 pm. Binoculars will be needed due to the moon's overwhelming brightness.
- Venus, shines at magnitude -4.6, above the western horizon and lies beside Saturn (mag. 1.1) on the 17th appearing in the same binocular field of view. Compare the magnitude differences.
- Saturn shines at magnitude 1.1, above the western horizon and lies beside Venus (mag. -4.6) on the 17th appearing in the same binocular field of view. Compare the magnitude differences.
- Jupiter rises in the east just after sunset and dominates the sky after
Venus sets. It is a great target for viewing by binoculars and small to medium-sized telescopes. Watch the dance of its 4 Galilean moons.
- Mercury is lost from our view this month.
Check back often for updates
- Moon is first quarter Jan 6, full Moon Jan 13, third quarter Jan 21 and new on Jan 29th.
- Jan 3 the Quadrantid Meteor shower peaks.
- The Moon occults Mars Jan 13 beginning at 9 pm EST in the east southeast and reappears from behind the moon at 10:16 pm. Binoculars will be needed due to the moon's overwhelming brightness.
- Venus, shines at magnitude -4.6, above the western horizon and lies beside Saturn (mag. 1.1) on the 17th appearing in the same binocular field of view. Compare the magnitude differences.
- Saturn shines at magnitude 1.1, above the western horizon and lies beside Venus (mag. -4.6) on the 17th appearing in the same binocular field of view. Compare the magnitude differences.
- Jupiter rises in the east just after sunset and dominates the sky after Venus sets. It is a great target for viewing by binoculars and small to medium-sized telescopes. Watch the dance of its 4 Galilean moons.
- Mercury is lost from our view this month.
See our Links page - Sky Watching - for other events.
See Sky and Telescope Magazine (The Sky at a Glance) for more events.